Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm even leery about sneezing...

Yesterday I underwent a minor surgical procedure; a left endoscopic antrostomy. Basically, had the left side of my nose and sinuses "cleaned" out.

For many years I have suffered with chronic sinusitis. My nose has been broken at least five times and has, at one point, been "rebuilt". I've had a similar procedure more than 20 years ago.

This time was different; no packing at all. Of course, as soon as I bent over to put socks and shoes on, my nose started to "leak". To be expected, I was told. Ruined one very good t-shirt, though.

Now, the day after, things aren't too bad. Throat is sore due to tubes to allow me to breathe through the surgery and my nose feels like I have a bad cold - to the 10th power. I believe I would pay $100 for the ability to give a great honking blow right now. Of course, I am not permitted to do that for at least three more days. I'm even not exercising until at least the beginning of next week, too.

Only time will tell if there has been success.

The jury is still out.

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